All Pet Health Stories

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  • Animal Reiki: Channeling Positive Energy to Pets

    Animal Reiki is a healing practice that involves channeling energy to animals to promote their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

  • Learn About Canine Lymphoma

    black, long hair dog being examined by a vet wearing blue latex gloves

    Canine lymphoma can affect any organ in the body but is more commonly found in lymph nodes, the spleen, and bone marrow where there is typically a higher concentration of lymphocytes.

  • Autumn Safety for Your Four-Legged Friends

    a brown and white dog with head showing just above a pile of dead leaves

    As we begin to venture out on hikes and adventures with our pets, here are two things to avoid to make those trips safe for everyone.

  • What You Need to Know About Canine Influenza

    yellow Labrador wearing a white lab code with a red tie and stethoscope around his neck standing in front of a blurred out white board with charts. Canine Influenza

    According to the Tennessee Department of Agriculture, canine flu is a highly contagious viral infection that causes illness in 80% of exposed dogs.

  • The Power of Pets

    Pet ownership has a positive effect on health.

  • By Plane, Train, or Automobile

    black and white cat sitting in a suitcase filled with clothes on top of a bed

    Travel sefety tips for pet parents.

  • Pet Insurance: The Cost of Peace of Mind

    One of the most important things to keep in mind when deciding on pet insurance is that it is not an investment.

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